State Representative (LD 22 Pos 1)
No Party Preference

Why don't you just join a party like everyone else Steve?

This video answers that in 2 minutes better than I could ever hope to explain in such a brief time though I do try to explain it on my website in the links in the carousel above.

We currently lack any real functional democracy but we still have a Constitution and we can fix that. But to do so, we need to take the profit motive out of politics.

Why does the news say our economy is doing well?

This video does a really nice job of explaining why Democrats can make the claim that our economy is doing great, but the reality for most people is the exact opposite..

We currently lack any real functional democracy but we still have a Constitution and we can fix that. But to do so, we need to take the profit motive out of politics.

Anti Capitalist Affordable Housing

We have been told that the reality of the market is that housing is simply what housing is and there isn't enough. I call BS.

You don't need massive state run dictatorships to take an anti capitalist approach to affordable housing. Cooperation is the key to survival.

Don't believe the lie.

Our leaders have turned gaslighting into an art form. But deep down you know you are being lied to. Observe what happens when leaders continue to tell their consituents "everything is fine" when it is the exact opposite of fine and they know it.

We currently lack any real functional democracy but we still have a Constitution and we can fix that. But to do so, we need to take the profit motive out of politics.

58 Years Experience
(Living in Our Current System)

Why am I Running?

I am not a career politician.

People who enter into politics don't get paid much by the state, but they make up for it in spades through other infinite money glitches. Usually this comes in the form of quid pro quo. The Republicans milk the military industrial complex, while the Democrats milk equities markets, real estate and construction industries, and for profit health care. Mostly they are working together to line their pockets. At least those who rise to the top.

Republicans and Democrats both have lines of succession. Party members at the top know who they want to rise and who gets stalled at City Council. In order to rise in a political party you need to be a "team player". That means you don't disrupt the status quo. For them, when it comes down to a choice between serving the people who elected you and serving the interests of your party, you serve the party.

There are plenty of people in both parties who are well meaning, and have integrity, but they are not the ones who get endorsed for higher office. To do that you have to sell your soul, and play the game. Who loses? We do!

There are "renegades" (think Ron Paul, or Bernie Sanders) that both parties keep around and they get some air time every four years to rope in the extreme right and extreme left voters who would never vote for a regular party candidate. Once you are on the hook you tend to vote for whoever they tell you to after you have made the choice between RED or BLUE.

You Can Make a Difference

More Representation, Less Taxation

The Working Class Contribute Enough

Have you ever heard of the Wealth Tax?

I have run for office against Chris Reykdal, Sam Hunt and now Beth Doglio. Every single one of these people has pushed for a state income tax because they claim sales taxes are regressive. It's true sales taxes are regressive. But guess what, so is a state income tax. According to Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), a liberal think tank in Washington: In a large majority of states, the combined state and local tax burden falls harder on low- and middle-income residents than on top earners. .

A couple years ago I thought maybe I should find a cheaper place to live so I started looking at Arkansas. I was surprised to learn that Arkansas has a 6% state income tax on income over $40,000. So basically, my opponents want to push the same policy here in Washington as has existed for many years in a state in which abortion is illegal and where prayer in school is forced. Hmm, that should give you some pause to question their integrity.

Before you buy the lie hook line and sinker you should probably educate yourself on how the billionaires avoid paying income tax. The Democrats like to tell half truths. It's true, that it's hard for the State to raise additional funds for all of the public programs the state SHOUD be providing but aren't. It's true that the rich do not pay their fair share. What's not true is that the Democrats are going to do anything to raise money from the billionaires who fund their campaigns as well as provide them with other little "perks".

SO if the state Constitution forbids raisng property taxes, sales taxes and income taxes are regressive, what can you do to get the rich to pay their fair share? Keeping in mind that their relentless pursuit of profit is largely the cause of many of the things we would like to address, such as homelessness, failing education, inadequate access to health care and hunger. The answer is a wealth tax! Follow the link to learn more.

You CAN make a difference

A Little Effort from Each of us adds up

Many hands make light work

You CAN be the change

Is it any wonder why most people are fed up with Politics? But that's the world we live in, so what are YOU going to do about it?

Here is what I am doing. I am running for State Rep, on zero money with zero campaign expenditures. This website costs me nothing since I already own the server and the domain. I paid the registration fee to run out of pocket. Beyond that, it's all word of mouth. If you like what I represent then tell others, and bring them here.

You can link to my website on your social media pages, and send it in email. You can print it out and share it with your grandma if she doesn't know how to use a computer. You CAN make a difference, but I am never going to ask you to go out door knocking, or make phone calls or fund raise. That's what politicians do, and that just isn't my jam.

Bonus points for putting together a forum. I love meeting new people and would love to meet you. Just don't expect to see me knocking on your door to hand you flyers and beg for your vote. You have two choices, me or Beth. You can chose not to vote but that is really nothing but a feel good measure. That said there have been many times I have done the same thing in protest. I hope to provide you a better option than not voting.

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